The Perfect Love Story

Last week I had a client call me. He said he would like to create a video for his girlfriend to tell her how much he loved her. What a great idea!

He sent me over his favorite pictures of them and her. He also sent a recorded message to her he recorded on his IPhone to put behind the pictures and then picked out 3 songs that had meaning to them as a couple. The final product was a video that would melt any woman’s heart. I told him for sure, she would cry “tears of joy.”

Today I got this message from him: Thanks again for all of your help with my video–Sylvia really really loved it and it was a great surprise and keepsake for both us! You did such a great and timely job on this and I really appreciate how you went above and beyond to make this just right for us! ~Scott (BTW-he gave me permission to share this)

I ask you women out there, how would you like it if your husband or boyfriend created a video like this for you?  What unique ways have you had your boyfriend or husband tell you he loved you?

New Celebration of Life-Memorial Packages

Tears of Joy Video of Encinitas, California would like to announce their new Celebration of Life Packages.  Two sisters, Juli and Cathie Dodd, who have owned the business a little over 7 years, created these packages after helping a number of their clients with their memorial videos.

“At this emotional time of loss many of our clients were overwhelmed with all they had to do in getting ready for the memorial of their loved one, “ said Cathie Dodd. “They would ask if we knew someone who could create the programs, the picture poster, a personalize guest book, or a memorial website.  Since we had done this many times for friends and in our own family, we offered to do it for them. They were very happy to have one service where they could give all their photographs and have everything prepared for them. We decided to create a package that would have all these items created for them at one low price.”

Why did they call them the “Celebration of Life” packages?  “We were noticing a trend in our clients steering away from the traditional funeral, and instead holding a Celebration of Life memorial service where it focused on the life lived instead of the death” said Cathie Dodd “Our products all are creations that help people focus on this wonderful person by using photographs, video, titles, and stories.  The Celebration of Life Package seemed to be the best name for what is being provided”.

Since many people are planning their own memorials or celebrations of life outside the memorial homes or churches, many are looking for creative solutions to make their celebration special.  Tears of Joy Video Celebration of Life Packages could be just what you are looking for. They have helped clients in their own backyard of San Diego, as well as throughout the United States. The owners have been through this a number of times and can offer suggestions to help you create the perfect celebration, bringing honor and lasting memories of the loved one who was lost. They are experts at turning your grief into Tears of Joy.  Their packages can be found at  or call them toll free at (877) 887-8658.